How to Transition from a Small Office to a Large Company

Starting a new job can be equal parts exciting and overwhelming. Many times, new jobs can involve a blank slate. A blank slate may mean a new city, a new title, or a new specified field. While these factors can be appealing, they can also be intimidating.

It is even more intimidating for employees who leave a small office for a large company. That is why, when you decide to make a significant career move, it is crucial to know a few things. The first thing that you should know are the ways to navigate a transition into a larger company.

1. Embrace the move.

A professional change can feel overwhelming, but moving to a new and larger company is nuanced. People will likely find good parts of the company culture, as well as unlikable parts. You may find yourself worried about a larger company having a bad culture. It is important to consider that the company may possess more readily available learning and developmental resources.

2. Ask for help.

It is not inherently bad to ask for help when it is needed. In fact, knowing when it is appropriate to seek guidance can reveal your ability to problem-solve and willingness to accept advice. If you are struggling to adapt to a new company culture, consider speaking with your manager. Similarly, there is no shame in discussing with peers any tips on adjusting to a new workplace.

3. Look into training opportunities.

Employees in any field should research professional development opportunities. Exploring new training can expand your skill set and future marketability. Although you may have sought new training prior to your move, seeking additional hands-on experience is valued. It will also show your new employer that you are committed to personal and professional growth.

4. Work your way up the ladder.

Working for a large company or corporation can provide some flexibility. Learn if it is possible to request work on smaller projects from your manager. These projects may give you a chance to spearhead a smaller team for the first time. Do not disregard these smaller projects. Everyone has to start at the beginning at some point.

Every company move comes with its own set of challenges and learning curve. There is no need to let these factors discourage you. If you choose to lean into obstacles as they arise, many of your future career decisions may feel less overwhelming.