Market Cap: $0 Billion
Industry: Consumer and Business Resources
Founded: 2017
Chief Executive Officer: Heather Nelson
Employees: 0
Sales: $0 Billion
Headquarters: Fayetteville, NC


Understanding the national and global economy is necessary to participating in smart transactions. Whether you are purchasing stock or doing research for your next smartphone purchase, you should understand the genesis and activities of the companies who produce the products and services we rely on. This understanding should extend beyond numbers and day-to-day ticker tracking. A guide to big companies is necessary for increased transparency and educated decisions.

We aim to provide an accessible business information education to people worldwide. We want consumers to better understand the American companies ruling the national and global stock markets operate. This site will build a database of some of America’s largest companies and corporations, including important figures, summaries, and why you should care about that company’s success or transactions.